You can't keep an award-winning reporter too quiet for long. Rebecca Aguilar breaks her silence, against her attorney's will, and speaks out on the incident to former Dallas Morning News, now turned TV critic Ed Bark blog site, Uncle Barkey's Bytes.
Aguilar details how the whole brouhaha has affected her and how the Television station she has worked for nearly 20 years has disappointed her. "I'm bruised, honey. Yeah, I'm bruised." She also reveals the real story on her communication with the 70-year old man. "I am known for asking questions that I think bring back deeper answers, but I treated this man with utmost respect. In fact, some of the questions I asked him on-camera I had asked him already in our conversations on the phone. That's why you don't see him alarmed . . . I knew that he felt comfortable with me, and I felt comfortable with him. I know from experience when people don't want me around."
Read the interview here.
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