Ok last week it was pressure from the one-sided bloggers and this week, the Dallas Chapter of LULAC joins the team of people seeking an answer from Channel 4 on the future of Rebecca Aguilar. Also word on the street is that AL DIA paper is doing a write-up on this. OK FOX 4, you really don't need hundreds of non-trick-o-treators outside your office this Halloween, so what is it? We are waiting....
To: Kathy Saunder
cc: Maria Barrs
From: Jesse Diaz, President & Gehrig Saldaña, Vice President
Dallas LULAC Council 4496
Subject: Letter of Support for Rebecca Aguilar
Dear Ms. Saunder:
We are submitting this email to you in support of Rebecca Aguilar. I will be contacting you this week in order to request a meeting with you regarding our support for Ms. Aguilar. Our council believes Rebecca Aguilar is an excellent reporter who does superb work as a whole and is great at providing first-class reporting on the many issues affecting Dallas County's Latino community.
Our council is gratified the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) have also expressed similar support for Rebecca Aguilar. We are sure NAHJ sees what our council sees in Rebecca Aguilar, she has integrity, honesty, fairness, and most of all, Rebecca is not afraid to show both sides of any news issue she covers.
Our council sees Rebecca Aguilar as a gem which shines very bright as she goes about her business as a reporter representing Fox-TV, the general community and our growing Dallas County Latino community. Our council looks forward to meeting with you within the next few days to further address our concern and support for Rebecca Aguilar.
There appears to be a double-standard which has developed in regard to how Rebecca Aguilar has been treated thus far. I can tell you I have never seen this kind of unfounded judgment accessed to other reporters who have covered sensitive issues. An excellent example of this is the many tough news reports Becky Oliver has covered over the past few years. Why was she not treated with the same hard-ball approach Rebecca Aguilar has endured? Is it because she is a Hispanic reporter?
Please understand our council fully supports reporters like Becky Oliver who has a history of getting right up to your face when she covers some of her tough news reports. We just want to make sure Rebecca Aguilar is judged with an equal level playing field and is not being singled out for journalistic criticism because of the color of her skin.
Once again, we look forward to meeting with to further discuss this issue.
Respectively submitted,
Jesse Diaz, President
Dallas LULAC Council 4496
8127 Bruton Road, Dallas, TX 75217
Business: 214-381-7777
Cellular: 214-228-6778
Email: Diazjesse@aol.
Gehrig M. Saldaña, Vice President
Dallas LULAC Council 4496
Cellular: 214-870-4371
Oh boy, here we go. You had to make it a race issue, didn't you? Reminds me of the Atlanta NAACP defending Michael Vick's animal abuse by trying to make it a race issue. Geez.
When will you people wake up? When will Rebecca wake up? This had nothing to do with her race. It has everything to do with her aggressive, abusive, disrespectful, and insulting attack on James Walton, an elderly veteran who, within the law, twice defended his life, livelihood, and property against hardened career criminals, resulting in their unfortunate deaths. Rebecca made an ass out herself and her employers felt the wrath of a freedom-loving, law-abiding general public who let their displeasure be known. She was an ass—not a Hispanic ass or a white ass or a black ass, just an ass.
You've just brought discredit and dishonor upon your organization and the Hispanic community by trying to make this a race issue. Shame on you.
How about showing some evidence of this double standard instead of just throwing out the race card and hoping it sticks.
Perhaps an interview by this other reporter mentioned, Becky Oliver, in which she aggressively pursues THE VICTIM of a crime. Maybe one in which she asks a rape victim if she is "penis happy" because the public has a right to know...
"Judged by the color of her skin." Hardly, It wouldn't matter if she was Hispanic, white, Asian, Black, Indian, Native American, Pacific Islander, Arab, Jewish or from the moon. Race has about as much to do with it as the color of her shoes or what she ate for breakfast the day of the incident in question.
Long story short: She verbally attacked ad elderly victim of a crime She brought a man, whom had done nothing wrong, to tears all for sensational journalism. That kind of "reporting" has a place, on the Jerry Springer show. Furthermore you should be ashamed for bringing race into the issue. As a minority myself, it really hurts our cause when everyone brings race into issues where it does not apply. Like the boy crying wolf it makes our struggle for civil rights seem less legitimate when actual discrimination issues come up. Shame on you.
oh boy, when did they let the bigots out of the sewer. The reason for the uproar is that only the reporter got suspended, and no one else. One reporter doesn't make a news show -- there are also news editors. I guess those with the anti-hispanic pitchforks don't have time to actually read the letters.
I've had some time to think it over, and now I want to retract my previous statement. I was mistaken. Clearly this is a race issue, and a crime has been committed. Rebecca Aguilar let her true colors be seen when she verbally and emotionally attacked the white man. Looks like a case of brown on white hate crime. Now the hate group LULAC has come to her defense, expressing their views of Mexican superiority.
I say we deport them all.
I agree that we should depart them all.. all of those originally NOT from Texas -- so out go Whites, Blacks, Asians, Indians, everyone except Native Americans -- oh Mexican's do stay because they have Native American blood in them.
This is silly. The childish games continue. Look no one is being deported, there is nothing people can do, except play scare tactics and Texas will always be Texas -- home of Hispanics, Rednecks, Blacks.. everyone. Let's rather worry about ethics and the unfair media tactics. Like not suspending others who also deserve it.
Rebecca is most likely coming back in the next few weeks - especially during November sweeps. Some people will grunt and snicker, but in reality, they all need to get a life and move on.. perhaps enjoy a few tamales and hamburgers.
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