This story was a little harder to find. It was posted by The Dallas Morning News media critic Tom Maurstad this weekend and also elaborates on the 'force' of the response by KDFW Ch 4 and the NAHJ recommendation.
"You can disagree with the professionalism of her interview tactics," Rafael Olmeda, President of NAHJ said. "But the punishment is all out of proportion to her offense, and that it's directed at only one person is patently unfair."
Read the story here.
Read the Opinion Editorial from the DMN here.
What a shame that the NAHJ came to the defense of Rebecca Aguilar. Whatever your stance on the story(I personally think she was wrong), this is not a racial/ethnic issue. Now the NAHJ has made it one. I guess they're taking lessons from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson...
The only lesson plan the NAHJ is taking is one from their bylaws which is "to support Hispanic journalists" and they are. What race card? Huh?
OK her tactics were abrasive -- pretty much everyone can see that. What the NAHJ argues is why other's didn't get suspended -- like the news editor ( whose job it is to make calls like this ). The group wants accountability to all involved not just one person.
People are dealt cards - like the race card - and they should show them all on the table (including the news editor).. this is not UNO you know nor this is Loteria..
Oh I see. Like when the Atlanta NAACP rose to the defense of Michael Vick who made dogs fight to the death in his home. It's not a race thing...
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