Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Irving Idea Spreads to Create Stinky Situation

Some people like the new car smell, and others don't. In Maryland, this Hispanic man was stopped for no reason other than he had too many air fresheners in his car -- or he says, -- basically he looks brown - get him down.

(AP) FREDERICK, Md. A man reportedly stopped by Frederick County sheriff's deputies for having too many air fresheners on his rearview mirror says he suspects the real reason he is that he is Hispanic.

Mauricio Arellano told The Frederick News-Post that the deputies "found an excuse" to stop him and check his immigration status.

The Anne Arundel county resident, who is visiting the United States on a temporary visa, says he showed his Mexican and international driver's licenses. These are sufficient for legally operating a vehicle in Maryland, but the newspaper reports that Arellano was arrested on charges of lacking proper identification.

Frederick County NAACP President Guy Djoken says groundless traffic stops could increase under Sheriff Charles Jenkins' proposed partnership with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Jenkins said he's confident that illegal ethnic profiling won't occur.

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