Monday, January 14, 2008

NAHJ Region 5 to Sponsor Journalism Conference in San Marcos

You're invited to attend an NAHJ Region 5 Conference on Feb. 29 and March 1 at Texas State University in San Marcos to help journalists develop skills for the future, and move ahead in their careers.

The conference includes at least six multimedia sessions, ranging from blogging to podcasting to digital video for beginners and advanced. We’ll also have workshops for Spanish-Language media as well as print and broadcast media.

The conference opens Friday evening with a town hall meeting, looking at the impact of the Hispanic community in the November elections. On Saturday, we’ll open with a plenary discussion on the latest immigration issues that’s affecting our communities in Texas and nationwide.

Keynote speaker Gilbert Bailon, the editorial page director at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the current president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, will give us an update on the state of the industry and where we’re headed at the luncheon on Saturday.

Early registration through Feb. 18 is $15 for students; $40 for members of NAHJ and the San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists; and $55 for nonmembers. Registration and more can be found at our web site at

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