The April storm came a bit early for Star-Telegram employees this morning. In their inbox was an email from the publisher breaking the myth that jobs at the StartleGram are safe.
Pink slips were given out to 8 newsroom employees and more in the advertising, circulation and marketing. As far as we know, no NAHJ members were part of the list, for now. However also announced were major cutbacks and budget freezes. The days of having the paper pay for ALL your NAHJ or Unity conference, room and hotel are gone.
In addition, OK Carter, long time Arlington columnist, announced his retirement from the Star-Telegram. No connection is being implied to the job cuts letter but it is a bit ironic.
The blame all points down to less newspaper circulation and higher prices for everything else. For those who had doubts that the recession would ever hit "where the West begins," today was proof that Fort Worthians are not immune. More updates to follow.
Actual Letter to employees:
Email to All Employees
April 17, 2008
Today, we are announcing the restructuring of management level positions in several areas of the newspaper. This is not an across-the-board layoff, but a restructuring that focuses primarily on consolidating work and streamlining various levels of management throughout the organization. As a result, 20 positions are impacted, although we are working with these individuals to identify other possible opportunities. This is approximately 1.5% of our employee population. The positions impacted are in the newsroom, marketing, operations, circulation and advertising.
We have met with each of the affected employees to discuss the changes being made. These employees have served us well and will be treated fairly. They will be eligible to apply for any other available positions for which they are qualified within the newspaper. If they do not apply for a comparable position, most affected employees will be leaving on April 25th and will be offered a transition plan that includes severance pay, extended medical coverage, and outplacement services.
This is not a review we have taken lightly. We know it’s a difficult message to hear and certainly creates anxiety. We will work with those affected to make this transition as smooth as possible. Please let your manager know if you have any questions.
Gary Wortel
President & Publisher
Thursday, April 17, 2008
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